平日発送Digibox D3 digi box ふるさと納税 HD TvBoxスポーツ
商品の説明A TV box designed specifically for sports enthusiasts, with all high-definition sports live programs and high-definition playback functions. It has over 1,000 live channels in USA Canada and UK, including over 210 high-definition sports channels such as NHL, MLB, Premiere Football, NBA, FHL, ESPN, FOX SPORTS, BEIN, GOLF, and countless other sports channels. You can enjoy the fun of all kinds of sports games. Due to the requirements of high-definition programs for network speed, the broadband and WiFi speed at home must be higher than 100 Mbps.他サイトでも出品中のため、お知らせせずにこちらを削除することがあります、ご了承ください。商品の情報カテゴリーテレビ・オーディオ・カメラ > テレビ・映像機器 > その他商品の状態新品、未使用発送元の地域東京都