ふるさと納税 SONY ZV-E10 single focus lens set

販売価格 77,000円 (税込)
ふるさと納税 SONY ZV-E10 single focus lens set
在庫状況 : 残り21個
返品・キャンセルについて お支払い方法について 施主支給で気を付けたい、注文時の5つのポイント


商品の説明This is a set that includes the SONY ZV-E10 and a single focus lens(Manual focus).It was stored in a moisture-proof warehouse.The number of shots is very low at 1331 times, and there is no history of drops.There are no visible scratches on the main body lens.Of course, operation has been confirmed.Immediately after purchase, I applied an LCD protective glass film.*The item will be exhibited with the film still attached.*AC adapter and USB cable are not used.■Included itemsCamera: SONY VLOGCAM ZV-E10 (black)Lens: 7attisans 25mm f1.8 (Sony E mount APS-C)•Genuine accessoriesAC adapterBattery (NP-FW50)USB Type-C cable (USB 2.0)Wind screenWindscreen adapterShoulder strapBody capStart guide・Service accessoriesGlass protective film for ZV-E10 (hardness 9H, 0.26mm thickness, round edge processing)Kenko camera filter MC protector NEO (46mm)Single focus lens lens capWe will ship it the same day.商品の情報カテゴリーテレビ・オーディオ・カメラ > カメラ > デジタルカメラ > ミラーレス一眼ブランドソニー商品の状態未使用に近い発送元の地域群馬県


ふるさと納税 SONY ZV-E10 single focus lens set,デジタルカメラ



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chitinafloresydecoracion.com 熊本県店
電話番号 086-271-7629 FAX番号 086-250-1888
営業時間 12:00~16:00 | 定休日 土日・祝日


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